This is the complete list of HEART project’s deliverables.
To read the abstracts and to download the deliverables (where public), click on their titles.

Del. No

Deliverable Title Dissemination Level (CO= Confidential; PU= Public)

Foreseen submission month

D1.1 Data Management Plan CO feb-18
D1.2 Report on initial conceptualisation  of  the 6 ESRs  research project correlations according to  users’ needs CO mag-18
D1.3 A comprehensive literature review and research gaps in all the different specific discipline of HEART CO lug-18
D1.4 Comprehensive Research Agenda CO ago-18
D2.1 A comprehensive report of all data collection and data base consultation PU feb-19
D2.2 Report on first data analysis and formulation of results on single ESRs projects CO apr-19
D2.3 Alpha version of the Health integrated activity recognition platform CO ago-19
D2.4 Health integrated activity recognition platform prototype CO apr-20
D3.1 Midterm scenario at European level CO set-20
D3.2 Midterm scenario at Chinese level CO ott-20
D3.3 Report on scenarios for the deployment of  Health integrated activity recognition platform, in a multi sectoral perspective,  in China and EU CO dic-20
D3.4 Guidelines for EU firms on opportunities/challenges of IoT business in China PU dic-20
D4.1 Common interdisciplinary approach CO feb-18
D4.2 Knowledge Platform PU feb-18
D4.3 Report on interdisciplinary workshops CO dic-20
D5.1 Recruitment report PU gen-18
D5.2 Report on shared training approach, incl. CDPs CO feb-18
D5.3 Revised report on shared training approach, inc CDPs CO ago-20
D5.4 Midterm Report on the local and network activities, participation to external conferences PU set-19
D5.5 Final Report on the local and network activities, participation to external conferences PU dic-20
D6.1 Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation plan (CDEP) PU feb-18
D6.2 Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation plan (1st revision) PU ago-19
D6.3 Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation plan (2st revision) PU feb-21
D6.4 Initial tool of communication channels PU ott-17
D6.5 Joint publication (paper or book) on “Health related Activity Recognition system based on IoT” PU dic-20
D6.6 Midterm report on Communication and dissemination activities PU ago-19
D6.7 Final Report on Communication and dissemination activities PU ago-21
D7.1 Signed Consortium agreement and bilateral agreements with Partner organisations CO ott-17
D7.2 Quality Handbook PU ott-17
D7.3 Progress report CO set-18
D7.4 Midterm report of the project bodies meetings CO set-19
D7.5 Final report of the project bodies meetings CO ago-21
D7.6 Supervisory board of the Network CO ott-17
D8.1 NEC-Requirement No.1 CO ago-18
D8.2 POPD-Requirement No.2 CO ago-18
D8.3 H-Requirement No.3 CO ago-18