This is the complete list of HEART project’s deliverables.
To read the abstracts and to download the deliverables (where public), click on their titles.
Del. No |
Deliverable Title | Dissemination Level (CO= Confidential; PU= Public) |
Foreseen submission month |
D1.1 | Data Management Plan | CO | feb-18 |
D1.2 | Report on initial conceptualisation of the 6 ESRs research project correlations according to users’ needs | CO | mag-18 |
D1.3 | A comprehensive literature review and research gaps in all the different specific discipline of HEART | CO | lug-18 |
D1.4 | Comprehensive Research Agenda | CO | ago-18 |
D2.1 | A comprehensive report of all data collection and data base consultation | PU | feb-19 |
D2.2 | Report on first data analysis and formulation of results on single ESRs projects | CO | apr-19 |
D2.3 | Alpha version of the Health integrated activity recognition platform | CO | ago-19 |
D2.4 | Health integrated activity recognition platform prototype | CO | apr-20 |
D3.1 | Midterm scenario at European level | CO | set-20 |
D3.2 | Midterm scenario at Chinese level | CO | ott-20 |
D3.3 | Report on scenarios for the deployment of Health integrated activity recognition platform, in a multi sectoral perspective, in China and EU | CO | dic-20 |
D3.4 | Guidelines for EU firms on opportunities/challenges of IoT business in China | PU | dic-20 |
D4.1 | Common interdisciplinary approach | CO | feb-18 |
D4.2 | Knowledge Platform | PU | feb-18 |
D4.3 | Report on interdisciplinary workshops | CO | dic-20 |
D5.1 | Recruitment report | PU | gen-18 |
D5.2 | Report on shared training approach, incl. CDPs | CO | feb-18 |
D5.3 | Revised report on shared training approach, inc CDPs | CO | ago-20 |
D5.4 | Midterm Report on the local and network activities, participation to external conferences | PU | set-19 |
D5.5 | Final Report on the local and network activities, participation to external conferences | PU | dic-20 |
D6.1 | Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation plan (CDEP) | PU | feb-18 |
D6.2 | Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation plan (1st revision) | PU | ago-19 |
D6.3 | Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation plan (2st revision) | PU | feb-21 |
D6.4 | Initial tool of communication channels | PU | ott-17 |
D6.5 | Joint publication (paper or book) on “Health related Activity Recognition system based on IoT” | PU | dic-20 |
D6.6 | Midterm report on Communication and dissemination activities | PU | ago-19 |
D6.7 | Final Report on Communication and dissemination activities | PU | ago-21 |
D7.1 | Signed Consortium agreement and bilateral agreements with Partner organisations | CO | ott-17 |
D7.2 | Quality Handbook | PU | ott-17 |
D7.3 | Progress report | CO | set-18 |
D7.4 | Midterm report of the project bodies meetings | CO | set-19 |
D7.5 | Final report of the project bodies meetings | CO | ago-21 |
D7.6 | Supervisory board of the Network | CO | ott-17 |
D8.1 | NEC-Requirement No.1 | CO | ago-18 |
D8.2 | POPD-Requirement No.2 | CO | ago-18 |
D8.3 | H-Requirement No.3 | CO | ago-18 |