HEART Final conference – 6 July 2021

The HEART final conference will be held online on 6th July 2021.
The aim of the conference is to present scientific and training results of the HEART project and to provide our 6 Early Stage Researchers, now close to the end of their industrial Phd, with opportunities to meet potential employers interested to their reseach.
HEART is one of the very first Industrial doctorates, funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, integrating Information Technologies with the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). It has been inspired by the perspective of technical innovation totally integrated with SSH innovation: Internet of Things innovation is driven by consumer needs, embedding legal issues, and with the aim to enhance European firms competitiveness for an effective and lasting market penetration in China.
The conference will present the main scientific results regarding the research challenges addressed by the project: Data analytics and Data processing for personal health coaching; Protection of private and personal information; Consumer perspective and Market penetration, also in the Chinese context.
Moreover, the final event will highlight the project results also in terms of innovative doctoral training, presenting the HEART experience with regard to exposure to not academic sector, interdisciplinarity, transversal skills, international dimension, thus contributing to the ongoing discussion on the skills needed for researchers in the Internet of Things sector.
Lastly, the HEART final conference will offer to the interested companies the opportunity to meet our Early Stage Researchers that thanks to the HEART project have acquired high-level skills and innovative knowledge in the project research fields. Go to digital brokerage meetings page, where bio, CV and video of the Early Stage Researchers are available. Links to virtual rooms where to meet the ESRs are provided in the conference’s programme.