The EU Horizon HEART project participated by Professor Lv Ping successfully concluded
The press release “The EU Horizon HEART project participated by Professor Lv Ping successfully concluded” can be found here.
The press release “The EU Horizon HEART project participated by Professor Lv Ping successfully concluded” can be found here.
The press release regarding the Kick-Off event of HEART’s “twin project” recently held in Shanghai (“Health-IoT: Health-related Activity Recognition System Based on IoT and Data Fusion“) has had a good resonance in the local news channels of Macerata province, resulting in 4 press articles in different newspapers and news websites. Unimc’s press release is…
The press release “L’Università di Macerata guida al traguardo il progetto di ricerca Heart” (The University of Macerata brings the HEART project to finish) can be found here: Consequently, the following articles appeared: 15/07/2021: Al traguardo il progetto HEART (the HEART project is at the finish), on Il Resto del Carlino, nationwide newspaper ( 14/07/2021: Diagnosi…
The presse released “Unimc e Philips, formazione senza frontiere per i dottorandi (UNIMC and Philips, training without borders for doctoral students)” can be found here. Consequently the following press articles were released: 25/09/2017: Unimc e Philips, formazione senza frontiere per i dottorandi (UNIMC and Philips, training without borders for doctoral students) on Picchio News, local…
The Press release “Unimc partner di Philips, un altro successo per la ricerca di eccellenza (UNIMC partnering with Philips, another success for excellent research)” on the approval of the EU project HEART can be found here Consequently the following articles were released: 30/05/2017: Unimc collabora con Philips (UNIMC partnering with Philips) on, nationwide press…
The press release “Prof. Wei Chen participated successfully to the completion of EU H2020 HEART project” can be found here English version: Chinese version:
The press release “Tecnologie e sanità delegazione UniMC fa scuola a Shanghai (Technology and health: UNIMC delegation for training in Shanghai)” can be found here. Consequently the following articles appeared: 30/07/2019: Tecnologie e sanità: una delegazione dell’UniMC fa scuola a Shanghai (Technology and health: UNIMC delegation for training in Shanghai), on Picchio News, local online…